Labiaplasty London

Dr Linda Fiumara

The Labiaplasty London team have the knowledge and
expertise to achieve your desired aesthetic results.

Patient-Centered Approach

We abide by a tradition of extensive and thorough consultations: offering attentive listening, where all questions are welcome.

Excellence, integrity, honesty and the highest quality of patient care are the foundations of the practice at Labiaplasty London.


Dr Linda Fiumara holds a full registration with the General Medical Council (GMC) and is listed on the GMC Specialist Register of Plastic Surgeons. In additon to being an Associate member of the British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (BAPRAS).

Labiaplasty London, Primary Location

Dr Linda Fiumara primarily consults at the following location for Labiaplasty London: 

10 Harley Street
London W1G 9PF

View contact information here.

What is Labiaplasty?

Labiaplasty is a highly sought-after surgical procedure that aims to re-structure the appearance and reduce the size of the Labia Minora; that is the inner lips located on both sides of the vaginal opening. In some cases, Labia Majora, which are the larger outer folds of skin surrounding the vulva, may also be addressed, although less frequently.

The term ‘vulva’ is commonly used in medicine to describe the external female genitalia. It encompasses several anatomical structures, including the ‘mons pubis’ located above, the clitoris and its protective hood, as well as the outer labia majora (external) and inner labia minora (internal). The range of anatomical variations in these parts is truly impressive and remarkable.

About the procedure

Indications for labiaplasty in London

There are various reasons why women might choose to undergo a labiaplasty procedure. Some women experience discomfort during physical activities, such as sports or leisure activities, and seek relief through surgery. Others opt for labiaplasty for purely aesthetic reasons, desiring a reduction in size and improvement in symmetry for personal preference.

While there may not be a universally agreed-upon definition of what is considered “normal” for the appearance of the vulva, it is worth noting that overly enlarged or asymmetrical labia can cause significant discomfort or embarrassment for some individuals.

Having enlarged labia can lead to social embarrassment, especially when they are noticeable through swimwear or tight clothing like leggings or yoga pants. Constant readjustment is required to alleviate discomfort caused by the size.

In extreme cases, oversized vaginal lips can become sore or even suffer from abrasions due to friction during physical activities like sports or exercise. The pressure exerted while cycling or horseback riding can also cause swelling in the labia. Moreover, elongated labia may result in painful sexual intercourse as they are stretched and drawn into the vagina.

Why do labia become oversized?

Congenital conditions, such as the enlargement or asymmetry of the labia, can be responsible for concerns that arise during puberty. Just like other tissues such as breasts and abdomen, the labia can also experience changes over time. Factors like pregnancy, childbirth, aging, and the effects of gravity can cause them to become enlarged, stretched, or redundant.

Details about the procedure

At Labiaplasty London, you have the option to undergo the procedure with either Local Anaesthetic, which can be accompanied by sedation if desired, or with General Anaesthesia. With General Anaesthesia, you will be completely unconscious throughout the process.  The patient will be positioned in what is commonly referred to as the “lithotomy” position, which involves lying on their back with their legs separated, flexed, and supported by raised stirrups. It’s interesting to note that this is the same position often used during childbirth.

Given the sensitive and potentially uncomfortable nature of the procedure, many patients opt for general anaesthesia. This ensures their utmost comfort and allows them to undergo the procedure without any embarrassment or unease.

Rest assured, the entire procedure typically takes just one hour, and you’ll be able to return home on the same day. Whether you opt for local or general anaesthesia, it won’t affect your ability to leave the medical facility promptly.

Labiaplasty London Wedge ResectionNumerous techniques have been published to address the reduction of the labia minora. Among these techniques, the ‘edge trim’ procedure and the ‘wedge resection’ are the most commonly used. In the ‘edge trim’ procedure, the external or outer edges of the labia minora are carefully removed. Through the use of “wedge resection” techniques, a small but effective section of full-thickness tissue is skillfully removed from the most prominent/protruding part of the labia minora. The resulting edges are then expertly stitched together, ensuring a visually pleasing outcome.

The extent of skin removal in labiaplasty can differ greatly from patient to patient, primarily dependent on their unique anatomical features such as the shape and size of their labia. However, it is reassuring to know that, in the majority of cases, a significant reduction of up to 60% can be achieved.

After the pre-operative markings are done, local anaesthetic is administered in the designated area. The anaesthetic solution includes Adrenaline, which helps to shrink blood vessels and reduce bleeding during surgery. This ensures a smoother and more controlled surgical process for optimal results.

When the procedure is carried out using local anaesthesia, a numbing cream is carefully applied to the specific area. This helps ensure that the patient remains comfortable and pain-free throughout the process.

Prior to surgery, a single dose of antibiotics is administered either orally or intravenously, depending on the specific type of anaesthesia being used. This precautionary measure ensures the highest level of safety and helps prevent any potential infections from arising during the procedure.

Labiaplasty London Edge TrimThe tissue removal process involves the skilful use of surgical blades, precision surgical scissors, and modern electrocautery techniques.

After removing the excess tissue, we employ cautery forceps to effectively control any bleeding. This ensures a clean and safe procedure. To complete the process, fine dissolvable stitches are used to securely close the wounds.

Rest assured that these will naturally fade away within a span of six weeks. Nevertheless, if they happen to cause any discomfort, you can conveniently have them expertly trimmed right at the office.

These wounds will be fully healed in just two weeks

For the next two weeks, it is highly recommended to cleanse the genital area with an antiseptic liquid soap, specifically one that contains chlorhexidine – a powerful antimicrobial agent. Additionally, applying a local antibiotic cream will further promote proper hygiene and help prevent any potential infections.

The Recovery

Under the care of esteemed labiaplasty surgeon, Miss Linda Fiumara in London, patients can expect a comfortable recovery journey. While some mild to minimal discomfort may be felt during the initial week due to swelling and stitches, any subsequent pain or discomfort will be effectively managed with trusted pain-relief medication. Rest assured that your well-being is a top priority throughout the process.

Excessive movement may cause discomfort in the treated area.

Following a successful surgery, patients usually find themselves able to return to work after a relatively short recovery period of 3-7 days.

The majority of swelling typically diminishes within the initial 8 weeks. It is encouraging to know that most patients can resume their regular activities after just 6 weeks. Additionally, for those concerned about specific aspects of their daily lives, such as using tampons and engaging in sexual intercourse, it is safe to do so after a post-surgery period of 6 weeks.

Statistics about Labiaplasty in London and UK

Labiaplasty procedures are available through both the NHS and private healthcare providers.

It is worth noting that labial procedures performed solely for aesthetic purposes are currently only accessible through private means.

Labiaplasty ranks as the third most sought-after cosmetic procedure in the UK, according to a reputable internet clinic search engine called

The company responsible for has reported a remarkable 109% rise in enquiries about labiaplasty procedures in 2016. This surge indicates that it is set to become one of the top three most sought-after surgeries among women.

In 2013, the number of labiaplasties conducted in the United States saw a remarkable surge. With over 5,000 procedures performed, it marked a substantial 45% growth compared to the previous year.

In the United Kingdom, there has been a significant increase in the number of labiaplasties performed by the NHS between 2004 and 2014. It is worth noting that this data does not include private practice procedures, which are known to be the most commonly sought-after type of surgery.

Back in 2013, a significant number of women opted for labiaplasties through the NHS, totaling over 2000 cases. However, it is worth mentioning that there are no official figures available regarding the number of women who pursued similar procedures privately.

Labial surgery has swiftly become one of the fastest-growing cosmetic procedures worldwide.

According to data collected by the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS), there was a significant increase in the number of labiaplasty procedures conducted in 2016 compared to 2015, with a staggering 45% rise. This finding highlights the growing popularity and acceptance of this aesthetic procedure among individuals seeking cosmetic enhancements.

Possible Risks of Labiaplasty Surgery

Just like any surgical procedure, it’s important to be aware of the potential risks involved. These include the possibility of infection, bleeding, and scarring. However, it’s crucial to remember that healthcare professionals take every precaution to minimize these risks and ensure a successful outcome.

By taking antibiotics and adhering to the postoperative guidelines for genital hygiene, you can significantly lower the risk of infection.

While bleeding is typically minimal during surgery, it is crucial to refrain from using blood-thinning medications such as aspirin, ibuprofen, anti-inflammatories, and over-the-counter painkillers for at least three weeks before your procedure.

Scarring in the genital area is typically minimal due to the healing characteristics of the mucosa and thin skin. The good news is that labial scars tend to fade and soften significantly, often becoming indiscernible within just six months, whether you opt for wedge excisions or linear incisions.


With the rising demand for female genital surgery in our practice, we have observed a corresponding surge in clinical experience, a variety of operative techniques, and a wealth of data in scientific literature showcasing the numerous physical and non-physical advantages of these procedures. Our findings strongly support high patient satisfaction rates, low complication rates, and excellent safety records. Moreover, there is ample published evidence highlighting the psychological benefits associated with these procedures.

If you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch with Dr Linda Fiumara, a highly skilled labiaplasty surgeon based in London. She would be more than happy to assist you and provide the information you require.

Labiaplasty London FAQ
Q. Is Labiaplasty increasingly popular?

A. Labiaplasty Is the world’s fastest growing cosmetic surgery procedure; an international study conducted by the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS) reveals a significant growth in Labiaplasty as more women choose to change the appearance of their genital area.

Worldwide, the number of labiaplasties performed in 2019 reached 164,667, which corresponded to a 24.1% increase compared to 2018 and a 73.3% rise compared to 2015. Labiaplasty was the 15th most popular plastic surgery procedure among female patients for 2019.

Q. Why is Labiaplasty increasingly popular?

A. Labiaplasty is a cosmetic procedure, no different than having a breast reduction or breast augmentation, that is intended to improve the quality of life for a patient. 

Patients have always sought labiaplasty to improve comfort, self-confidence, and physical appearance. Rather than a media-driven desire to look a certain way, the recent increase in labiaplasty procedures is most likely due to better access: both to information about the procedure, and to the procedure itself.

Social trends have also influenced our concepts of aesthetic ideals regarding the appearance of female external genitals.  The popularity of total pubic waxing/shaving, models in the media portrayed in sheer or minimal clothing with no labial show, and the anonymity of internet pornography, may contribute to a new standard of “vulval beauty”.  In addition to the labia minora, the labia majora have been also scrutinized in favour of a smooth and full profile.

Q. What age demographic is getting labiaplasty?

A. Most women who get vaginal rejuvenation are between ages 20 and 60. However, there is no specific age that is considered best for receiving treatment.

While in general labiaplasty should be postponed until adulthood, in rare cases labiaplasty may be appropriate for a teenage patient; when a physical deformity of the genital tissues is causing discomfort during day-to-day activities or preventing a patient from comfortably wearing certain types of clothing labiaplasty surgery may be indicated in patients under the age of 18.

Q. What are the main reasons for people wanting to change the appearance of their vulva?

A. There are a host of reasons females have enlarged labia, including childbirth, aging, sexual activity and genetics. Women choose to have surgery for several reasons. Firstly, there are several functional benefits when electing for a labiaplasty. Many patients who suffer from enlarged labia experience difficulty with exercise, hygiene, urinary tract infections, sexual activity and other physical activities.

Furthermore, with the increasing trend of wearing yoga pants, workout pants and swimming suits, enlarged labia can make it difficult to wear such clothes. However, most female patients describe feeling extremely self-conscious when becoming romantically involved with their partners. These reasons and others are what patients consider when choosing a labiaplasty.

Q. What are the Indications for Labiaplasty?

A. Women might consider having a labiaplasty for multiple reasons ranging from discomfort experienced during sport and leisure activities to purely aesthetic reasons (that is, the mere desire for a reduction in size and improvement of symmetry).

Reasons for patients to seek labiaplasty:

  • Concerns about the function of the labia tissue (length or thickness of the tissue can pinch, tug, or chafe in clothing or can cause discomfort during intercourse);
  • Dissatisfaction with the appearance of the labia minora

Labiaplasty London 

Q. What are the costs of Labiaplasty

A. Here at Labiaplasty London, the procedure costs varies depending on the complexity of the case and whether it is carried out under local or general anaesthesia.

Patient Feedback

I am so happy and grateful to have had you as my surgeon. It took me 11 years to finally go ahead with the operation and I’m so so happy with the results, you’ve been fantastic.

Thanks Labiaplasty London for your support and expertise!





I am so pleased! Thank you for all your support, care and not to mention the huge amounts of happiness and confidence you have given me!

You have changed my life, and I am truly grateful! A wonderful surgeon who has given me more than I ever expected. A true credit to Transform and Labiaplasty London will be highly recommended by me!


Thank you so much for all you have done You have given my confidence back! Would recommend Dr Fiumara to anybody.

Thank you Labiaplasty London!




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Email us at, alternativley call us directly at Labiaplasty London. 

© 2023 Labiaplasty London | Design by CreaTech


Labiaplasty London

Dr Linda Fiumara

The Labiaplasty London team have the knowledge and expertise to achieve your desired aesthetic results.

Labiaplasty London

Dr Linda Fiumara

The Labiaplasty London team have the knowledge and expertise to achieve your desired aesthetic results.


Dr Linda Fiumara holds a full registration with the General Medical Council (GMC) and is listed on the GMC Specialist Register of Plastic Surgeons. In additon to being an Associate member of the British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (BAPRAS).

Patient-Centered Approach

We abide by a tradition of extensive and thorough consultations: offering attentive listening, where all questions are welcome.

Excellence, integrity, honesty and the highest quality of patient care are the foundations of the practice at Labiaplasty London.

Labiaplasty London, Primary Location

Dr Linda Fiumara primarily consults at the following location for Labiaplasty London: 

10 Harley Street
London W1G 9PF

View contact information here.


Dr Linda Fiumara holds a full registration with the General Medical Council (GMC) and is listed on the GMC Specialist Register of Plastic Surgeons. In additon to being an Associate member of the British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (BAPRAS).

Patient-Centered Approach

We abide by a tradition of extensive and thorough consultations: offering attentive listening, where all questions are welcome.

Excellence, integrity, honesty and the highest quality of patient care are the foundations of the practice at Labiaplasty London.

Labiaplasty London, Primary Location

Dr Linda Fiumara primarily consults at the following location for Labiaplasty London: 

10 Harley Street
London W1G 9PF

View contact information here.

What is Labiaplasty?

Labiaplasty is a highly sought-after surgical procedure that aims to re-structure the appearance and reduce the size of the Labia Minora; that is the inner lips located on both sides of the vaginal opening. In some cases, Labia Majora, which are the larger outer folds of skin surrounding the vulva, may also be addressed, although less frequently.

The term ‘vulva’ is commonly used in medicine to describe the external female genitalia. It encompasses several anatomical structures, including the ‘mons pubis’ located above, the clitoris and its protective hood, as well as the outer labia majora (external) and inner labia minora (internal).

The range of anatomical variations in these parts is truly impressive and remarkable.

About the procedure

Indications for labiaplasty in London

There are various reasons why women might choose to undergo a labiaplasty procedure. Some women experience discomfort during physical activities, such as sports or leisure activities, and seek relief through surgery. Others opt for labiaplasty for purely aesthetic reasons, desiring a reduction in size and improvement in symmetry for personal preference.

While there may not be a universally agreed-upon definition of what is considered “normal” for the appearance of the vulva, it is worth noting that overly enlarged or asymmetrical labia can cause significant discomfort or embarrassment for some individuals.

Having enlarged labia can lead to social embarrassment, especially when they are noticeable through swimwear or tight clothing like leggings or yoga pants. Constant readjustment is required to alleviate discomfort caused by the size.

In extreme cases, oversized vaginal lips can become sore or even suffer from abrasions due to friction during physical activities like sports or exercise. The pressure exerted while cycling or horseback riding can also cause swelling in the labia. Moreover, elongated labia may result in painful sexual intercourse as they are stretched and drawn into the vagina.

Why do labia become oversized?

Congenital conditions, such as the enlargement or asymmetry of the labia, can be responsible for concerns that arise during puberty. Just like other tissues such as breasts and abdomen, the labia can also experience changes over time. Factors like pregnancy, childbirth, aging, and the effects of gravity can cause them to become enlarged, stretched, or redundant.

Details about the procedure

At Labiaplasty London, you have the option to undergo the procedure with either Local Anaesthetic, which can be accompanied by sedation if desired, or with General Anaesthesia. With General Anaesthesia, you will be completely unconscious throughout the process.  The patient will be positioned in what is commonly referred to as the “lithotomy” position, which involves lying on their back with their legs separated, flexed, and supported by raised stirrups. It’s interesting to note that this is the same position often used during childbirth.

Given the sensitive and potentially uncomfortable nature of the procedure, many patients opt for general anaesthesia. This ensures their utmost comfort and allows them to undergo the procedure without any embarrassment or unease.

Rest assured, the entire procedure typically takes just one hour, and you’ll be able to return home on the same day. Whether you opt for local or general anaesthesia, it won’t affect your ability to leave the medical facility promptly.

Labiaplasty London Wedge ResectionNumerous techniques have been published to address the reduction of the labia minora. Among these techniques, the ‘edge trim’ procedure and the ‘wedge resection’ are the most commonly used. In the ‘edge trim’ procedure, the external or outer edges of the labia minora are carefully removed. Through the use of “wedge resection” techniques, a small but effective section of full-thickness tissue is skillfully removed from the most prominent/protruding part of the labia minora. The resulting edges are then expertly stitched together, ensuring a visually pleasing outcome.

The extent of skin removal in labiaplasty can differ greatly from patient to patient, primarily dependent on their unique anatomical features such as the shape and size of their labia. However, it is reassuring to know that, in the majority of cases, a significant reduction of up to 60% can be achieved.

After the pre-operative markings are done, local anaesthetic is administered in the designated area. The anaesthetic solution includes Adrenaline, which helps to shrink blood vessels and reduce bleeding during surgery. This ensures a smoother and more controlled surgical process for optimal results.

When the procedure is carried out using local anaesthesia, a numbing cream is carefully applied to the specific area. This helps ensure that the patient remains comfortable and pain-free throughout the process.

Prior to surgery, a single dose of antibiotics is administered either orally or intravenously, depending on the specific type of anaesthesia being used. This precautionary measure ensures the highest level of safety and helps prevent any potential infections from arising during the procedure.

Labiaplasty London Edge TrimThe tissue removal process involves the skilful use of surgical blades, precision surgical scissors, and modern electrocautery techniques.

After removing the excess tissue, we employ cautery forceps to effectively control any bleeding. This ensures a clean and safe procedure. To complete the process, fine dissolvable stitches are used to securely close the wounds.

Rest assured that these will naturally fade away within a span of six weeks. Nevertheless, if they happen to cause any discomfort, you can conveniently have them expertly trimmed right at the office.

These wounds will be fully healed in just two weeks

For the next two weeks, it is highly recommended to cleanse the genital area with an antiseptic liquid soap, specifically one that contains chlorhexidine – a powerful antimicrobial agent. Additionally, applying a local antibiotic cream will further promote proper hygiene and help prevent any potential infections.

The Recovery

Under the care of esteemed labiaplasty surgeon, Miss Linda Fiumara in London, patients can expect a comfortable recovery journey. While some mild to minimal discomfort may be felt during the initial week due to swelling and stitches, any subsequent pain or discomfort will be effectively managed with trusted pain-relief medication. Rest assured that your well-being is a top priority throughout the process.

Excessive movement may cause discomfort in the treated area.

Following a successful surgery, patients usually find themselves able to return to work after a relatively short recovery period of 3-7 days.

The majority of swelling typically diminishes within the initial 8 weeks. It is encouraging to know that most patients can resume their regular activities after just 6 weeks. Additionally, for those concerned about specific aspects of their daily lives, such as using tampons and engaging in sexual intercourse, it is safe to do so after a post-surgery period of 6 weeks.

Statistics about Labiaplasty in London and UK

Labiaplasty procedures are available through both the NHS and private healthcare providers.

It is worth noting that labial procedures performed solely for aesthetic purposes are currently only accessible through private means.

Labiaplasty ranks as the third most sought-after cosmetic procedure in the UK, according to a reputable internet clinic search engine called

The company responsible for has reported a remarkable 109% rise in enquiries about labiaplasty procedures in 2016. This surge indicates that it is set to become one of the top three most sought-after surgeries among women.

In 2013, the number of labiaplasties conducted in the United States saw a remarkable surge. With over 5,000 procedures performed, it marked a substantial 45% growth compared to the previous year.

In the United Kingdom, there has been a significant increase in the number of labiaplasties performed by the NHS between 2004 and 2014. It is worth noting that this data does not include private practice procedures, which are known to be the most commonly sought-after type of surgery.

Back in 2013, a significant number of women opted for labiaplasties through the NHS, totaling over 2000 cases. However, it is worth mentioning that there are no official figures available regarding the number of women who pursued similar procedures privately.

Labial surgery has swiftly become one of the fastest-growing cosmetic procedures worldwide.

According to data collected by the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS), there was a significant increase in the number of labiaplasty procedures conducted in 2016 compared to 2015, with a staggering 45% rise. This finding highlights the growing popularity and acceptance of this aesthetic procedure among individuals seeking cosmetic enhancements.

Possible Risks of Labiaplasty Surgery

Just like any surgical procedure, it’s important to be aware of the potential risks involved. These include the possibility of infection, bleeding, and scarring. However, it’s crucial to remember that healthcare professionals take every precaution to minimize these risks and ensure a successful outcome.

By taking antibiotics and adhering to the postoperative guidelines for genital hygiene, you can significantly lower the risk of infection.

While bleeding is typically minimal during surgery, it is crucial to refrain from using blood-thinning medications such as aspirin, ibuprofen, anti-inflammatories, and over-the-counter painkillers for at least three weeks before your procedure.

Scarring in the genital area is typically minimal due to the healing characteristics of the mucosa and thin skin. The good news is that labial scars tend to fade and soften significantly, often becoming indiscernible within just six months, whether you opt for wedge excisions or linear incisions.


With the rising demand for female genital surgery in our practice, we have observed a corresponding surge in clinical experience, a variety of operative techniques, and a wealth of data in scientific literature showcasing the numerous physical and non-physical advantages of these procedures. Our findings strongly support high patient satisfaction rates, low complication rates, and excellent safety records. Moreover, there is ample published evidence highlighting the psychological benefits associated with these procedures.

If you have any inquiries, please feel free to get in touch with Dr Linda Fiumara, a highly skilled labiaplasty surgeon based in London. She would be more than happy to assist you and provide the information you require.

Labiaplasty London image for women smiling over surgery results

Labiaplasty London FAQ
Q. Is Labiaplasty increasingly popular?

A. Labiaplasty Is the world’s fastest growing cosmetic surgery procedure; an international study conducted by the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS) reveals a significant growth in Labiaplasty as more women choose to change the appearance of their genital area.

Worldwide, the number of labiaplasties performed in 2019 reached 164,667, which corresponded to a 24.1% increase compared to 2018 and a 73.3% rise compared to 2015. Labiaplasty was the 15th most popular plastic surgery procedure among female patients for 2019.

Q. Why is Labiaplasty increasingly popular?

A. Labiaplasty is a cosmetic procedure, no different than having a breast reduction or breast augmentation, that is intended to improve the quality of life for a patient. 

Patients have always sought labiaplasty to improve comfort, self-confidence, and physical appearance. Rather than a media-driven desire to look a certain way, the recent increase in labiaplasty procedures is most likely due to better access: both to information about the procedure, and to the procedure itself.

Social trends have also influenced our concepts of aesthetic ideals regarding the appearance of female external genitals.  The popularity of total pubic waxing/shaving, models in the media portrayed in sheer or minimal clothing with no labial show, and the anonymity of internet pornography, may contribute to a new standard of “vulval beauty”.  In addition to the labia minora, the labia majora have been also scrutinized in favour of a smooth and full profile.

Q. What age demographic is getting labiaplasty?

A. Most women who get vaginal rejuvenation are between ages 20 and 60. However, there is no specific age that is considered best for receiving treatment.

While in general labiaplasty should be postponed until adulthood, in rare cases labiaplasty may be appropriate for a teenage patient; when a physical deformity of the genital tissues is causing discomfort during day-to-day activities or preventing a patient from comfortably wearing certain types of clothing labiaplasty surgery may be indicated in patients under the age of 18.

Q. What are the main reasons for people wanting to change the appearance of their vulva?

A. There are a host of reasons females have enlarged labia, including childbirth, aging, sexual activity and genetics. Women choose to have surgery for several reasons. Firstly, there are several functional benefits when electing for a labiaplasty. Many patients who suffer from enlarged labia experience difficulty with exercise, hygiene, urinary tract infections, sexual activity and other physical activities.

Furthermore, with the increasing trend of wearing yoga pants, workout pants and swimming suits, enlarged labia can make it difficult to wear such clothes. However, most female patients describe feeling extremely self-conscious when becoming romantically involved with their partners. These reasons and others are what patients consider when choosing a labiaplasty.

Q. What are the Indications for Labiaplasty?

A. Women might consider having a labiaplasty for multiple reasons ranging from discomfort experienced during sport and leisure activities to purely aesthetic reasons (that is, the mere desire for a reduction in size and improvement of symmetry).

Reasons for patients to seek labiaplasty:

  • Concerns about the function of the labia tissue (length or thickness of the tissue can pinch, tug, or chafe in clothing or can cause discomfort during intercourse);
  • Dissatisfaction with the appearance of the labia minora

Labiaplasty London 

Q. What are the costs of Labiaplasty

A. Here at Labiaplasty London, the procedure costs varies depending on the complexity of the case and whether it is carried out under local or general anaesthesia.

Patient Feedback

“I am so happy and grateful to have had you as my surgeon. It took me 11 years to finally go ahead with the operation and I’m so so happy with the results, you’ve been fantastic.

Thanks Labiaplasty London for your support and expertise!”







“I am so pleased! Thank you for all your support, care and not to mention the huge amounts of happiness and confidence you have given me!

You have changed my life, and I am truly grateful! A wonderful surgeon who has given me more than I ever expected. A true credit to Transform and Labiaplasty London will be highly recommended by me!”


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Patient Feedback

“I am so happy and grateful to have had you as my surgeon. It took me 11 years to finally go ahead with the operation and I’m so so happy with the results, you’ve been fantastic.

Thanks Labiaplasty London for your support and expertise!”


“I am so pleased! Thank you for all your support, care and not to mention the huge amounts of happiness and confidence you have given me!

You have changed my life, and I am truly grateful! A wonderful surgeon who has given me more than I ever expected. A true credit to Transform and Labiaplasty London will be highly recommended by me!”


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Email us at, alternativley call us directly at Labiaplasty London. 


Email us at, alternativley call us directly at Labiaplasty London. 

© 2023 Labiaplasty London | Designed by CreaTech


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